San Francisco Botanical Garden

City , Park / Open Space , Shopping , Plants

Escape to a unique urban oasis of extraordinary beauty. Through its programs and displays, the Garden celebrates the bond between people and plants, and instills a deeper understanding of the necessity to conserve Earth's biological diversity.

Plants for sale every day at the Plant Shop, 10am - 4pm.

ADMISSION & FREE for all SF City & County Residents, Members & School Groups

$10 Non-residents | Discounted fee: Seniors, Students & Children

The San Francisco Botanical Garden is one of the most diverse gardens in the world. The Botanical Garden is a living museum within Golden Gate Park, offering 55 acres of both landscaped gardens and open spaces, showcasing over 8,000 different kinds of plants from around the world.

The mission of the San Francisco Botanical Garden Society is to create a community to actively support the Garden with fundraising, promotion and advocacy, and to provide outstanding botanical, horticultural and environmental education opportunities for people of all ages.

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1199 9th Avenue, San Francisco, CA

Sunday - Saturday (7:30am - 5pm)


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San Francisco Botanical Garden Event Calendar


Gamelan in the Garden

1:00 PM at San Francisco Botanical Garden

Free Museum Day

7:30am - 6pm at San Francisco Botanical Garden

ILLUSTORIA DAY at SF Botanical Garden

11am-1pm at San Francisco Botanical Garden

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