Polk Street

City , Street

Polk Street from Market Street to Beach Street and is a main thoroughfares that is kind of a "Main Street" in what is termed Polk Gulch. The street traverses the Tenderloin, Nob Hill, and Russian Hill neighborhoods. It's a great walking street and there are lots of wonderful bars, restaurants, and shops. The street named after former President James K. Polk.

As the original center of the city's LGBT community, it has remained one of the core centers along with The Castro and the South of Market (SOMA). On New Year's Day 1965, police raided a gay fundraising party for the newly founded Council on Religion and the Homosexual in California Hall on Polk Street, a incident that according to some marked the beginning of a more formally organized gay rights movement in San Francisco. In 1972, Polk Street was the location of the first official San Francisco Gay Pride Parade. In the 1950s through the 1970s Halloween on Polk Street became a major attraction for tourists and locals.

-- adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_of_Market,_San_Francisco

Image Credits:

Image 1: Photo by Pax Ahimsa Gethen, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polk_Street

Image 2: Photo by Mark Portillo, https://photos.sfstation.com/CityEventsArchive/Polk-Street-Blues-Fest-11/i-f4c9wjF

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Polk at Broadway, San Francisco, CA

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Polk Street Event Calendar


People’s March & Rally - Unite to Fight

11am - 6pm at Polk Street

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