Creativity Explored

Arts , Art Organization , Gallery

Creativity Explored is a nonprofit visual arts center for artists with developmental disabilities. Since 1983, Creativity Explored has been helping Bay Area adults with developmental disabilities create, exhibit and sell original artwork. More than 120 studio artists work in Creativity Explored's two dynamic, fully-equipped studios in the media of their choice including drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, fabric arts, sculpture and animation.

Completed artwork is sold at the gallery on 16th Street, in the heart of the Mission District.

The artists come to Creativity Explored from countries around the globe and speak a wide variety of languages including Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Thai, German, French, Arabic, Farsi and English. Many members do not speak at all, unable to communicate using spoken words. At Creativity Explored, visual art is the common language, providing a means to share culture, experiences and feelings.

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3245 16th Street, San Francisco, CA



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Creativity Explored Event Calendar


Untitled Gesture Exhibition & Opening Reception

5:00 PM at Creativity Explored

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