California Institute of Integral Studies - CIIS

Arts , Gallery , City , University

CIIS is pioneering a unique educational vision. The university encompasses 22 leading-edge graduate programs and an undergraduate program that attract passionate learners and international renown.

CIIS Public Programs & Performances is an extension of the California Institute of Integral Studies, a nonprofit university dedicated to personal and social transformation. The mission of CIIS Public Programs & Performances is to uplift and engage San Francisco Bay Area communities by offering a global showcase of performing arts and educational events. Our performances celebrate cultural diversity by presenting traditional and contemporary artists from around the world. Our lectures by leading scholars and authors provide a platform for exploring new perspectives about oneself and society. Our workshops and certificate programs, taught by leaders in their respective fields, encourage personal discovery, spiritual inquiry and professional development.

The Arts at CIIS is a contemporary arts exhibition program that cultivates community engagement and creative and integrative approaches to the urgent challenges facing society today. Through exhibitions, publications, and events featuring emerging and established artists, The Arts at CIIS strives to promote pluralism in the arts, to support artists in the creation of new work, and to foster dynamic and critical dialogues within and across communities.

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1453 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA


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California Institute of Integral Studies - CIIS Event Calendar


On Two-Spirit Identity and the Body as a Portal to Freedom (In-Person)

6:00 PM at California Institute of Integral Studies - CIIS

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