Sunset Squares Pizza - MidMarket

Restaurants , Pizza


My two daughters Maya, Milla, & I (Chef Dennis Lee) began making pizzas at home in the spring of 2020. We explored sourdough, pizza, social media, entrepreneurship, SIP...

One gift pizza, led to another gift pizza, and another, which eventually turned into a 1,000 pizzas.

Sunset Squares Pizza was born.

We are now open to the public and are grateful to serve fresh, delicious, wonderful pizza :)

Our pizza is a 3 day cold fermented sourdough process using the best ingredients on earth.

Fun Fact: We named our sourdough starter "Bobby Lee Jr." after one of our favorite comedians of all time, Bobby Lee.

"Bobby Lee Jr.'" was fed Kimchee juice during his inception.

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59 9th Street, San Francisco, CA

(415) 624-3550

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Sunset Squares Pizza - MidMarket Event Calendar


Trivia Pizza and Beer - Sunset Squares Trivia Night

7:30PM-9PM at Sunset Squares Pizza - MidMarket

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