Fraenkel Gallery

Arts , Gallery

Since 1979, Fraenkel Gallery has presented more than 250 exhibitions exploring photography and its relation to other arts. The exhibitions have spanned the medium's history, from its early masters to the present day. The gallery's first three exhibitions investigated the work of Carleton Watkins, Lee Friedlander, and NASA's lunar photographs, and these set a tone and pattern for what followed. Because photography's brief history lends itself to examination backward, forward and sideways in time, soon came exhibitions of Walker Evans, Eugene Atget, Edward Weston, Diane Arbus, and later, the Bechers, Adam Fuss, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and Sol LeWitt.

The gallery represents the estates of Garry Winogrand and Ralph Eugene Meatyard, and is a primary representative for the work of Robert Adams, Diane Arbus, Richard Avedon, Bill Dane, Lee Friedlander, Adam Fuss, Helen Levitt, Richard Misrach, Nicholas Nixon, and Hiroshi Sugimoto.

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49 Geary Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA



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Fraenkel Gallery Event Calendar



11am - 5pm / opening reception: 2pm - 4pm at Fraenkel Gallery

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