St. Paulus Lutheran Church

Religion , Church

Sunday Service at 10am.

Saint Paulus Lutheran Church is "an inclusive community of God's diverse people visible in the world"*... as such we celebrate the sexual diversity of God's world welcoming and embracing our brothers and sisters - lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer - in communion in all its forms - worship, baptism, marriage and leadership. The richness of God's creation is reflected in the life and ministry of this congregation.

Sunday Service: 10am - 11.30am including a lively debate during the sermon. All are welcome
Every Monday: 11am - 12.30pm the Singers of the Street (SOS) rehearse at our church.

Everyone's welcome to start the week listening (and joining in) to their popular song rendition theme tunes:

Every Wednesday: 12-2pm Bible Study Class - Pets People and Prayer. Bring your four legged friend and be part of the discussion, where we talk about the Bible portion of the week and how it connects to real time activities.

Saint Paulus 1300 sq ft space is available to rent on Monday afternoons, Tuesdays, Wednesday daytime, Thursday daytime, Friday daytime, Saturdays and Sunday afternoons/evenings. Email [email protected] for details. The sanctuary includes a huge projector, flat screen TV, musical instruments, bathrooms and is street level.

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1541 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA


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St. Paulus Lutheran Church Event Calendar


Our Church Doors Open Again For Sunday Worship

10am - 11.30am at St. Paulus Lutheran Church

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