District Six

Food & Drink , Bars , Beer , Event Planning , Event Space

Taking over for Monarch Gardens, District Six stands as a beacon of creativity and community spirit. This premier open-air venue is strategically located near Costco in SoMa, making it a convenient and accessible destination for everyone looking to experience the pulse of the city. District Six is more than just a space; it's a dynamic platform where the air buzzes with energy and innovation.

District Six hosts a diverse array of pop-up events. From food festivals, to music festivals that feature both up-and-coming and established artists, there's always something happening. The space also opens its doors to non-profit organizations for pop-ups and various community events, underlining its role as a key player in supporting and enhancing the local community.

Come immerse yourself in the creativity, taste, sounds, and soul in this nondescript part of town.

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428 11th Street, San Francisco, CA

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