City Arts & Lectures - Sydney Goldstein Theater

Arts , Art Organization , Event Planning , Event Space , Music , Live Music Venue


Built in 1927, the Sydney Goldstein Theater is a landmark venue located in the heart of the performing arts district (across the street from Davies Hall musicians' entrance).

City Arts & Lectures restored and reopen the stunning 1,687-seat hall in 2013 (it was closed to the public for over thirty years). The hall features original architectural details, excellent acoustics, and a well-designed layout with unobstructed views throughout the orchestra and balcony, as well as state of the art lighting and sound.

Since 1980, City Arts & Lectures has presented programs covering a wide range of cultural perspectives. We host compelling figures whose work in literature, criticism, science, and the arts inspires us. We present events in an elegant theater setting, and we keep ticket prices low, making our programs accessible to the broadest possible audience.

For rental rates, theater specs, and information on renting the theater, please contact us at (415) 563-2463 or theater[at]cityarts[dot]net .

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275 Hayes Street, San Francisco, CA



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