Anchor Brewing to Offer Unique 12-Pack

Starting in September, San Francisco’s famed Anchor Brewing will be offering a new 12-pack called Craft Originals.

Anchor Craft Originals will feature a collection of four original Anchor beers – Anchor Steam Beer, Anchor Porter, Liberty Ale and Original Wheat. Anchor Steam has long been the flagship brew of Anchor since Fritz Maytag acquired the struggling brewery in 1965. Anchor Porter became the first American porter when it was introduced in 1975. Liberty Ale, also introduced in 1975, is considered one of the beers that started the trend toward IPAs. And the Original Wheat was one of the first in the new generation of wheat beers. Original Wheat is also exclusively available in the Anchor Craft Originals Pack.

Each 12-pack will include an educational and tasting notes sheet, explaining the historical significance of each of the offerings and giving craft brew enthusiasts a chance to write down notes on each brew.

The Anchor Craft Originals 12-pack will be available beginning in September in select retailers and also at the Anchor Brewing taproom in San Francisco.