Jay-Z Announces New Album, Samsung Buys 1 Million Copies

Jay-Z unexpectedly announced his 12th studio album will be released July 4 last night during a TV advertisement that aired during the the NBA Finals.

Titled Magna Carta Holy Grail, the video clip details that Samsung purchased 1 million advance copies of the album to give them to Samsung Galaxy smartphone users for free 72 hours ahead of the release.

The video also depicts Kayne West’s last-minute Yeezus producer Rick Rubin along with hip-hop artist and contributor on Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories Pharrell Williams. Other musicians expected to appear on Jay-Z’s new record include fellow rappers artists Drake and Nas and “Suit & Tie” partner Justin Timberlake, who joins Jay Z “Legends of Summer” North America tour starting July 17. The tour stops in San Francisco for a rare Candlestick concert on July 26.

The deal gives Jay-Z $5 million in album sales before it is even released to the public, signifying the increasing importance of corporate sponsors in the music industry. According to sources, Samsung paid $5 apiece for the albums, but it has yet to be determined if Nielsen SoundScan will count Samsung’s purchases in the official sales tally.