Win $1,000 With Bon Iver Remix Contest

Attention audiophiles and beat-wizards: your time has come. Remix any and/or all of Bon Iver’s latest self-titled release for a brief whiff of fame, $1000, and a whole lot of bragging rights.

Ahhh the remix. What used to be a rarity and dance-floor treat has now turned into the industry’s way of doubling the lifespan of a popular release. Liked it the first time? Check it out now with bleeps and bloops! At a different tempo! With auto-tuned vocals…wait a minute! Could Bon Iver be the perfect artist for the remix? His sparse arrangements and seductively scientific simplicity make for a beat-mixers playground. And the guy is already all over the auto-tune. It’s like we are being set up…for this very project. Thank you kind sir. We accept your challenge.

The Bon Iver Song Stems Challenge went live yesterday. Here is what you need to do to be a part of it:

1. Visit the Bon Iver, Bon Iver Stems Project remix page at Indaba Music.
2. Create a free Indaba Music membership.
3. Select a song(s) and download the stems.
4. Remixers will have from 08/01 to 08/29 to complete their remixes and upload them for consideration.
5. Voting begins on 08/30 through Bon Iver, Spotify, and Indaba Music’s websites and social networks via Facebook (one vote per account).
6. Winners will be announced the around the third week of September, each earning a spot for their remix on the official Bon Iver, Bon Iver: Stems Project remix album on Spotify and a $1,000 cash prize.
Listen to an example of a stem remix by Bon Iver member and solo recording artist S. Carey. Now get busy.