Poggio Offers Special Roman-Inspired Menu for August

Poggio Executive Chef and Partner Peter McNee recently returned to the Bay Area from a two week sponsored trip through Italy to study Roman cooking. Inspired by his travels, he is offering a fresh new Ferragosto menu to diners at his Sausalito restaurant in the month of August.

Ferragosto is the traditional Italian holiday in August spent sharing meals with family and friends. During his trip, McNee was able to spend time in different cities, studying traditional Roman cuisine. He spent time at family-run restaurants, a porchetta butchery, a bufala ranch and fish market. “The Ferragosto menu is a reflection of the places I went and the people I visited,” McNee said.

The supplementary menu is listed below:

Menu del Ferragosto

Carciofi alla Giudea | “Jewish style” fried artichoke

Fegatelli alla brace | Grilled veal liver

Calamari ripieni di verdure e crostacei | Vegetable & shellfish stuffed squid

Tonnarelli ai frutti di mare e pesce | Tonnarelli with mixed seafood

Rigatoni alla Gricia | Rigatoni, guanciale, pecorino, pepper

Gnocchi due colori | Two colored gnocchi

Uccellini allo spiedo | Spit roasted small birds

Fritto misto di mare e pesce | Mixed fried seafood

Scafata | Artichoke, fava & pea stew

McNee said that each of the items holds a special place in his heart, offering up memories of meals at friend’s houses and in restaurants, each inspired by some of his favorite dishes during his trip.

The Ferragosto menu will be offered a la carte for dinner only in the month of August; Poggio’s regular dinner menu will also be available for guests.

Poggio is located at 777 Bridgeway in Sausalito.



Photo Credit: Poggio