More Parking Meters, Longer Enforcement Hours Near AT&T Park

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is getting set to install more parking meters near AT&T Park and the surrounding Mission Bay development.

Along with the additional meters, there will be extended enforcement hours and higher pricing for special events near the ballpark.

Muni officials said the meters are expected to be installed this summer on Illinois Street between 16th and Mariposa streets and on Mission Bay Boulevards North and South. The agency won’t start enforcing the longer hours until early next year.

Starting in the spring of 2013, operating hours will be: Monday-Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The meters will either have no time limit or a four hour time limit.

Demand-responsive pricing will be used with costs as low as $0.25 an hour.

For special events, parking rates could rise up to $7 per hour, depending on the meter’s proximity to AT&T Park.

The city is expecting immense growth in Mission Bay over the next 20 years and they are hoping these changes ease congestion and parking demand in the area.