New Menu Items at La Mar

La Mar Cebicheria Peruana appointed Diego Oka to the post of Executive Chef in December, and now the restaurant has announced an updated menu reflecting its focus on authentic Peruvian cuisine.

“The most important thing we made is making all the flavor more similar to Peru,” says Chef Oka, who is a native of Peru. He jokes that previously, La Mar wasn’t sure if Americans can handle the spicy, garlicky flavors that are true to authentic Peruvian cuisine. In addition to the regular menu, there will be three new items offered every week: two Peruvian dishes and one created out of seasonal products found at the farmers’ market. “We try to incorporate the new ingredients we find in the market into our traditional food,” says Chef Oka.

Here are some of the new things to look forward to on the La Mar menu:

La Mar Cebicheria Peruana, Pier 1 1/2 , San Francisco; Tel. 415.397.8880


Image from La Mar on Facebook