Recipe: Rick Bayless’ Avocado Ice Cream

About a year ago, I found an awesome recipe website called The Kitchn. I started adding various recipes to my Delicious bookmarks with the full intent to recreate them. Finally, I got around to trying one out. With the help of my roommate Danna, we tested out a recipe from famed chef Rick Bayless: a dairy-free avocado ice cream.

The recipe has all of five ingredients:

2 cups avocado puree

3/4 cups water

1 2/3 cups sugar

3 tablespoons lime juice

1/3 cups tequila

To prepare, I cut up four large avocados and pureed them with a hand blender. Danna made a simple syrup from the water and sugar and added the tequila at the boiling point to let some of the sting of the alcohol dissipate.

We combined the puree, syrup and lime juice in a steel bowl and blasted it with the hand blender again. Then we scooped the Shrek-green mixture into clean ice cream containers. The mixture made two pints. The ice cream containers seem to be a better option than tupperware because they are more air-tight: a friend used tupperware and said her ice cream browned as avocados tend to do.

After letting it sit overnight, we finally tried the ice cream. It was easy to scoop, very creamy, and though the ice cream smelled like fresh cut grass at first, it had a refreshing summer flavor. I think it would go really well after a heavy burrito or enchilada meal.



Photo credit: Emilia Varshavsky