Noise Pop Preview: Admiral Radley

Head to Bottom of the Hill tonight for a headlining set by indie super group Admiral Radley — two parts LA-based ethereal indie poppers Earlimart  (singer/guitarist Aaron Espinoza and singer/bassist/keyboardist Ariana Murray), plus two parts Modesto-based indie rockers Grandaddy (singer/guitarist Jason Lytle and drummer Aaron Burtch).

As mainstays of the Southern California indie rock scene, both bands have been friends and longtime collaborators, but it wasn’t until 2010 that they rounded up their songs and recorded I Heart California in Espinoza’s Echo Park-based studio-cum-record-label, The Ship.

Admiral Radley sounds just like what you’d think an Earlidaddy or Grandimart would sound like (rumor has it both these names were once tabled for discussion) — guitar pop from the wistful, dreamy side of the indie spectrum with the occasional urge to rock, or to break your heart, or both.

Check out “Ghosts of Syllables” below, a track that strongly recalls Earlimart’s “Gonna Break Into Your Heart” — and try not to be haunted by that opening melody.


Admiral Radley, “Ghosts of Syllables”