Buena Vista Aquatic Recreational Area

City , Park / Open Space

Buena Vista is a man-made site located approximately 25 miles southwest of Bakersfield. When the site was completed in April 1973, it took 43 days to fill both Lake Evans and the much larger Lake Webb with over 2,300,000,000 gallons (or 6,800 acre feet) of water.

Lake Webb is an elongated shape of 873 acres available for boating, jet‐skiing and fishing, as well as an additional 125 acres for jet‐skiing (maximum speed 45 mph). Projecting midway into the lake, a horseshoe‐shaped spit of land contains 112 campsites in a double row. To maintain the landscaping through the dry season, a sprinkler system operates, requiring campers to place their things in designated spots.

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13601 Ironbark Road, Bakersfield, CA

+1 661.868.7000

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