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Artwork by Lee Harvey Roswell

Design Credit

Artwork by Lee Harvey Roswell

Artist Bio:

Lee Harvey Roswell's artwork is simply a portrayal of life, the attention focused on the bonds between suffering and humor. Hence, the many appearances in his work of adversity's most beloved target... the one that bounces back, the Clown. And all the world's a stage in Lee's eyes.

Born and raised in the small town of Freefall, New York, Lee Harvey Roswell was a shy, melancholic daydreamer who exhibited an early aptitude for drawing and the arts. Always marching to a drum that only he could hear, Lee eventually dropped out of school and became a fixed, if peculiar presence at his local library. "Self taught" as the art world likes to say. And, like any good ol' American adventure story, the day came when Lee headed for the sunny promise of the west coast. A bad bit of fortune, he didn't recognize the path he was traveling down was, in fact, the proverbial low road. Casting all his belongings to the wind, living on the streets, eruptive with fits of depression, and spiraling into addictions that nearly destroyed him, Lee was looking like a Van Gogh minus the chance of a posthumous success story. Luckily this little fairytale of a bio ends happily, and Lee did find his way to sobriety, stability, and success. Lee now enjoys working avidly at his craft, pushing himself to new levels, and regarding his profession as one of the most privileged of life-long studies. His work is shown and collected worldwide. Lee Harvey Roswell lives in San Francisco, and thanks his lucky stars for the role he gets to play in this life.

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