Sun May 1, 2016

Poetry Unbound #31 – Reading Series at Art House Gallery in Berkeley – May 1, 2016

at The Art House Gallery & Cultural Center (see times)
Event Date: Sunday, May 1, 2016
Contact: Clive Matson, 510-654-6495, [email protected]

Poetry Unbound presents passionate wordsmiths on the first Sunday of each month, with a brief open mic, at the Art House Gallery in Berkeley. Hosted by Clive Matson.

Poetry Unbound #31

Art House Gallery & Cultural Center
2905 Shattuck Avenue at Ashby (close to Ashby BART)
Berkeley CA 94705, (510) 472-3170
Sunday, May 1, 2016, 5pm to 8pm, $5 to $10 suggested donation
Open reading sign-up at 5pm

Rebecca Foust
David Shaddock
John Oliver Simon

This will be a sonnet festival! You will hear why sonnets have been around for hundreds of years, not as puzzles but as windows to our lives, our wisdom, our joy and our pain. We’ll have a discussion afterwards and you’ll be graded--- no! This is not school, it’s for pleasure! You’ll be surprised. With many sonnets from each poet, there will be several that you’ll remember for years or forever.
Becky Foust’s sly, deep riffs on Paradise Drive skewer the seven sins of haute suburbia, while Simon says he passed onto Shaddock the secrets of the unrhyme-schemed, hendecasyllabic fourteen-liner. Did you get that? These are practitioners of the post-modern sonnet. Come find out how the asymmetrical box that Petrarch sang to himself in the 14th century has transformed our poetics! And maybe our lives.


Rebecca Foust’s fifth book, Paradise Drive, won the 2015 Press 53 Award for Poetry and was reviewed in the Georgia Review, Hudson Review, Huffington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Review of Books, and elsewhere. Recognitions include the 2015 American Literary Review Award for Fiction, the 2015 James Hearst Poetry Prize, the 2014 Constance Rook Creative Nonfiction Award, and fellowships from the Frost Place, MacDowell Colony, Sewanee Writer’s Conference, and West Chester Poetry Conference. Foust returned to poetry in 2007 after a 27-year hiatus spent raising three kids, practicing law, and working as an autism advocate and works now as Poetry Editor for Women’s Voices for Change and as an assistant editor for Narrative.

David Shaddock’s poems have won the Ruah Magazine Power of Poetry Award for a collection of spiritual poems, and the International Peace Poem Prize, among other honors. His poems have appeared in such journals as Tikkun and Mother Jones. His books include In This Place Where Something’s Missing Lives with an afterword by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, and Dreams Are Another Set of Muscles, with an introduction by Denise Levertov. His play, In a Company of Seekers, was performed at the 2012 Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy. He is the author of two nonfiction books on relationships and couples therapy, and maintains a private psychotherapy practice in Oakland.

John Oliver Simon is one of the legendary poets of the Berkeley Sixties who has grown by steady dedication to his calling. Published from Abraxas to Zyzzyva, he is a distinguished translator of contemporary Latin American poetry, and received an NEA fellowship for his work with the great Chilean surrealist Gonzalo Rojas (1917-2011). He is Vice-President of California Poets In The Schools, where he has worked since 1971, and was the River of Words 2013 Teacher of the Year. His ninth full collection of poems is Grandpa's Syllables (White Violet Press, 2015). For his lifetime of service to poetry, the Mayor of Berkeley, California proclaimed January 20, 2015, as John Oliver Simon Day. In May, 2016, the Berkeley Poetry Festival will present him with its Lifetime Achievement Award.
Event Date: Sunday, May 1, 2016
Contact: Clive Matson, 510-654-6495, [email protected]

Poetry Unbound presents passionate wordsmiths on the first Sunday of each month, with a brief open mic, at the Art House Gallery in Berkeley. Hosted by Clive Matson.

Poetry Unbound #31

Art House Gallery & Cultural Center
2905 Shattuck Avenue at Ashby (close to Ashby BART)
Berkeley CA 94705, (510) 472-3170
Sunday, May 1, 2016, 5pm to 8pm, $5 to $10 suggested donation
Open reading sign-up at 5pm

Rebecca Foust
David Shaddock
John Oliver Simon

This will be a sonnet festival! You will hear why sonnets have been around for hundreds of years, not as puzzles but as windows to our lives, our wisdom, our joy and our pain. We’ll have a discussion afterwards and you’ll be graded--- no! This is not school, it’s for pleasure! You’ll be surprised. With many sonnets from each poet, there will be several that you’ll remember for years or forever.
Becky Foust’s sly, deep riffs on Paradise Drive skewer the seven sins of haute suburbia, while Simon says he passed onto Shaddock the secrets of the unrhyme-schemed, hendecasyllabic fourteen-liner. Did you get that? These are practitioners of the post-modern sonnet. Come find out how the asymmetrical box that Petrarch sang to himself in the 14th century has transformed our poetics! And maybe our lives.


Rebecca Foust’s fifth book, Paradise Drive, won the 2015 Press 53 Award for Poetry and was reviewed in the Georgia Review, Hudson Review, Huffington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Review of Books, and elsewhere. Recognitions include the 2015 American Literary Review Award for Fiction, the 2015 James Hearst Poetry Prize, the 2014 Constance Rook Creative Nonfiction Award, and fellowships from the Frost Place, MacDowell Colony, Sewanee Writer’s Conference, and West Chester Poetry Conference. Foust returned to poetry in 2007 after a 27-year hiatus spent raising three kids, practicing law, and working as an autism advocate and works now as Poetry Editor for Women’s Voices for Change and as an assistant editor for Narrative.

David Shaddock’s poems have won the Ruah Magazine Power of Poetry Award for a collection of spiritual poems, and the International Peace Poem Prize, among other honors. His poems have appeared in such journals as Tikkun and Mother Jones. His books include In This Place Where Something’s Missing Lives with an afterword by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, and Dreams Are Another Set of Muscles, with an introduction by Denise Levertov. His play, In a Company of Seekers, was performed at the 2012 Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy. He is the author of two nonfiction books on relationships and couples therapy, and maintains a private psychotherapy practice in Oakland.

John Oliver Simon is one of the legendary poets of the Berkeley Sixties who has grown by steady dedication to his calling. Published from Abraxas to Zyzzyva, he is a distinguished translator of contemporary Latin American poetry, and received an NEA fellowship for his work with the great Chilean surrealist Gonzalo Rojas (1917-2011). He is Vice-President of California Poets In The Schools, where he has worked since 1971, and was the River of Words 2013 Teacher of the Year. His ninth full collection of poems is Grandpa's Syllables (White Violet Press, 2015). For his lifetime of service to poetry, the Mayor of Berkeley, California proclaimed January 20, 2015, as John Oliver Simon Day. In May, 2016, the Berkeley Poetry Festival will present him with its Lifetime Achievement Award.
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The Art House Gallery & Cultural Center
2905 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705


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