The Washington Inn

Hotels , Boutique Hotel , Luxury Hotel


"Spoiled" as defined by The Washington Inn Hotel, is a destination you surely don't want to miss! It is an innovative alternative to traditional hotels. The Washington Inn Hotel has been renovated with Italian inspired architecture and sensual décor. This luxury boutique hotel, one of Oakland's historic landmarks will surely pamper your every needs with our attentive and personalized service. The hotel has an aura of sophistication and style which also creates an exciting atmosphere for today's business or leisure traveler who wants something more.

Our conference rooms and banquet facilities can accommodate up to 150 people. The rooms can also be divided to provide a more intimate setting for smaller gatherings. The Washington Inn Hotel also offers in-house catering with extremely competitive pricing and the tasting food this side of the Bay Area! Small business meetings and private dining rooms are also available.

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495 10th Street, Oakland, CA


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