First Congregational Church of Berkeley

Religion , Church , Event Planning , Event Space


* We are people who may have been brought up in other faith traditions or none at all. * We are people of different ages and styles of life. * We are people of different races, including multi-racial families. * Our families are different shapes and sizes and include singles, significant others, and those who have lost partners or spouses. * Some of us have children, some of us don’t, some of us are children. * We respect other faith traditions, and some of our families are interfaith. * We are all over the map politically (but we are located in Berkeley!) * We are free to wrestle theologically. * We take care of each other.
* We like to think and exchange ideas and opinions. * We value creativity and use the arts in many ways in the life of the church.

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2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA



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