USA Angel Miss Billionaire Tantra+KamaSutra+Xtcy Massage 669-333-4199

Adult , BDSM , Escort , Adult Massage


USA Angel, Miss Billionaire!

Tantra+KamaSutra+Ecstasy Massage


I'm Angel, your American Blonde Tantra massage therapist and Goddess tantra practitioner! I'm also available with one of my beautiful friends for double pleasure!

I have my private studio in San Francisco Union Square with shower, clean linens, soft, lighting, soft music, and unscented all natural body products.

I am also available in Silicon Valley & SF Bay Area including Napa and Sonoma, Marin Monterey, Pebble Beach, and Half Moon Bay! I can can also meet you at one of the hydrotherapy spas that have the private Jacuzzi, steam, sauna, shower, with massage bed rooms, such as in Palo Alto.
I can also meet you at your five star residence or hotel resort.

Get in touch with me today!


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. San Francisco Financial District, San Francisco, CA

(669) 333-4199

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