Tue April 23, 2024

9th Ave: Giovanna Lomanto with Paolo Bicchieri, Kevin Dublin, & Christine No

Join us on Tuesday, April 23 at 7pm PT when we celebrate the launch of Giovanna Lomanto's collection, Driver's Seat Echo, with Paolo Bicchieri, Kevin Dublin, and Christine No at 9th Ave!

Masks Encouraged for In-Person Attendance
Or watch online/Livestream link available soon

Praise for Driver's Seat Echo
"Giovanna Lomanto's driver's seat echo is a collection full of longing, love, liberation, and haunting lineage. From "refugee daughter": "what is a chinese-indonesian-american but / a person who ails in three languages and aches." These beautiful poems swirl in the organs of the body, in all its vulnerable intimacy: "skin to bone, all measured" and "every last plate i / cleaned in its presence." With anaphora and meter like lush waves, these poems are stunningly musical, "reverberating bass" tucked in each tethered line. I am so grateful for Lomanto's tender voice; this is a book you'll want to read again and again."--Jane Wong, author of How To Not Be Afraid of Everything & Meet Me in Atlantic City

"Driver's Seat Echo is a high-octane collection of bold and passionate poems, each full of surreal turns and fully armored with wonderfully inventive language. Giovanna is sharp and confident behind the wheel of these poems. Her writing is so electrically charged you can feel it on the page: 'when you're filled with the energy of the stars, / the vibrations never quite leave your body.' A breathtaking journey. "--James Cagney, James Laughlin Award Winner, author of Martian:The Saint of Loneliness 

About Giovanna Lomanto
Giovanna Lomanto is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and photographer who has published 2 poetry collections, 2 chapbooks, and a limited edition art book. Her next collection, driver's seat echo, is available for preorder and is set to release in April. A recent graduate of the MFA program at New York University, her work has been supported by the SFMOMA, LitQuake, KQED, and various reading series around the Bay Area. 

About Paolo Bicchieri
Paolo Bicchieri (they/he) is a writer living on the coast. He is the author of three genre fiction books and one collection of poetry. Bicchieri invests in his home region, apparent in his reporting for Eater San Francisco and numerous West Coast publications including BrokeAssStuart, Brown Girl Surf, and the San Francisco Standard. He co-hosts the Bay Area reading series Kitchen Table and his work can be found in Ghost City Press, Standart Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazine, The Racket, and more at

About Kevin Dublin
Kevin Dublin is an educator, economic justice advocate, and writer of poetry, prose, scripts, and code. Based in San Francisco, he is founder of The Living Room SF: an incubator for writers and their ideas. He is author of Eulogy (Raven & Wren Press, 2023), How to Fall in Love in San Diego (Finishing Line Press, 2017), and his words have recently appeared or forthcoming in Apocrypha Magazine, Konch, The San Franciscan, Cincinnati Review, & more. Kevin has received fellowships, grants, and awards from the San Francisco Arts Commission, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Center for Cultural Innovation, Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, and more.  He holds an MFA from San Diego State, MA from East Carolina University, and BFA from UNC - Wilmington. Kevin believes in you and our collective power to change the world.

About Christine No
Christine No is a Korean American writer, filmmaker and daughter of immigrants. She is a Sundance Alum, VONA Fellow, Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee. In 2022, she was the featured literary artist at Kearny Street Workshop's APAture Festival. You can find her work in print and online at the Columbia Journal, Story Magazine, The Rumpus and elsewhere. Her First full length poetry collection "Whatever Love Means" is available via Barrelhouse Books. She lives in Oakland with her dog Ruthie Wagmore. Check her out on the internet at @iamchristineno.
Join us on Tuesday, April 23 at 7pm PT when we celebrate the launch of Giovanna Lomanto's collection, Driver's Seat Echo, with Paolo Bicchieri, Kevin Dublin, and Christine No at 9th Ave!

Masks Encouraged for In-Person Attendance
Or watch online/Livestream link available soon

Praise for Driver's Seat Echo
"Giovanna Lomanto's driver's seat echo is a collection full of longing, love, liberation, and haunting lineage. From "refugee daughter": "what is a chinese-indonesian-american but / a person who ails in three languages and aches." These beautiful poems swirl in the organs of the body, in all its vulnerable intimacy: "skin to bone, all measured" and "every last plate i / cleaned in its presence." With anaphora and meter like lush waves, these poems are stunningly musical, "reverberating bass" tucked in each tethered line. I am so grateful for Lomanto's tender voice; this is a book you'll want to read again and again."--Jane Wong, author of How To Not Be Afraid of Everything & Meet Me in Atlantic City

"Driver's Seat Echo is a high-octane collection of bold and passionate poems, each full of surreal turns and fully armored with wonderfully inventive language. Giovanna is sharp and confident behind the wheel of these poems. Her writing is so electrically charged you can feel it on the page: 'when you're filled with the energy of the stars, / the vibrations never quite leave your body.' A breathtaking journey. "--James Cagney, James Laughlin Award Winner, author of Martian:The Saint of Loneliness 

About Giovanna Lomanto
Giovanna Lomanto is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and photographer who has published 2 poetry collections, 2 chapbooks, and a limited edition art book. Her next collection, driver's seat echo, is available for preorder and is set to release in April. A recent graduate of the MFA program at New York University, her work has been supported by the SFMOMA, LitQuake, KQED, and various reading series around the Bay Area. 

About Paolo Bicchieri
Paolo Bicchieri (they/he) is a writer living on the coast. He is the author of three genre fiction books and one collection of poetry. Bicchieri invests in his home region, apparent in his reporting for Eater San Francisco and numerous West Coast publications including BrokeAssStuart, Brown Girl Surf, and the San Francisco Standard. He co-hosts the Bay Area reading series Kitchen Table and his work can be found in Ghost City Press, Standart Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazine, The Racket, and more at

About Kevin Dublin
Kevin Dublin is an educator, economic justice advocate, and writer of poetry, prose, scripts, and code. Based in San Francisco, he is founder of The Living Room SF: an incubator for writers and their ideas. He is author of Eulogy (Raven & Wren Press, 2023), How to Fall in Love in San Diego (Finishing Line Press, 2017), and his words have recently appeared or forthcoming in Apocrypha Magazine, Konch, The San Franciscan, Cincinnati Review, & more. Kevin has received fellowships, grants, and awards from the San Francisco Arts Commission, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Center for Cultural Innovation, Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, and more.  He holds an MFA from San Diego State, MA from East Carolina University, and BFA from UNC - Wilmington. Kevin believes in you and our collective power to change the world.

About Christine No
Christine No is a Korean American writer, filmmaker and daughter of immigrants. She is a Sundance Alum, VONA Fellow, Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Nominee. In 2022, she was the featured literary artist at Kearny Street Workshop's APAture Festival. You can find her work in print and online at the Columbia Journal, Story Magazine, The Rumpus and elsewhere. Her First full length poetry collection "Whatever Love Means" is available via Barrelhouse Books. She lives in Oakland with her dog Ruthie Wagmore. Check her out on the internet at @iamchristineno.
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1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94111


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