USA Angel Miss Billionaire + friends Tantra+KamaSutra 669-333-4199

Adult , BDSM , Escort , Adult Massage

USA Angel, Miss Billionaire + friends

Massage + Tantra + KamaSutra!

I'm your American Angel, Miss Billionaire!
I have my private residential studio in San Francisco Union Square. I can also visit you in Palo Alto, at one of the private jacuzzi sauna spas, with private Jacuzzis, saunas, showers, and massage bed, or private jacuzzi sauna spas throughout the Bay Area, i'm also available to travel internationally to five star residential, and hotel resort locations. Some of our favorite places to visit our Napa, Sonoma, Marin, Monterey, Half Moon Bay and Pebble Beach.

I also have my beautiful friends in Silicon Valley, SF and Bay Area, who are also tantra therapists, available to join us for a variety of experiences, and to meet you privately as well.

Connect with me today! +1 (669) 333-4199

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Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA

(669) 333-4199

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